Each question in In 100 words or less
1.An integral component of the APA code of ethics was the inclusion of the framework of informed consent as one measure to protect the public (both clients and subjects) from practices that could cause harm (Joyce & Rankin, 2010). The impetus for the development came from a plethora of studies that caused significant harm in a number of communities.
The shockwaves of the Tuskegee reverberated throughout communities of color across the country for decades, having significant adverse impacts related to distrust of the healthcare system in general (Dula, 1994). Likewise, the deception and involuntary sterilization of Native women contributed to the effects of multigenerational trauma across communities throughout the country, again coming from an institution that should be one of healing and safety (Lawrence, 2000).
The field of psychology was not immune from practices that could cause harm to individuals in the pursuit of knowledge. Milgram's obedience to authority experiments in the 1960s is an iconic example, as the results were very compelling but the harm caused to the subjects by the deception perhaps even more so (Blass, 1999).
Similarly, Zimbardo's Stanford prison experiments (Zimbardo, 2007) were truly powerful and significant but also caused distress to the participants because of the deception involved (Stark, 2010).
The following short video is a good synopsis of Milgram's obedience experiments by Dr. Zimbardo:
What do you think about the video?
2. Matthews (2012) proposed sociology is a useful tool for Christians for the following reasons:
1) it provides a valuable explanation of the self and others, and
2) it provides a means through which one can gain an understanding of the social world. Of course, sociology is but one of a number of ways to consider human beings and social behavior.
Matthews (2012) cited biblical origins of this need for understanding ourselves as individuals and as part of larger social groups (Genesis 1:28; Matthew 19:19). What are some ways you could see this Christian view of sociology manifest in our society?
Matthews, L. (2012). Why Christians should study sociology. Dialogue, 24, 1.