
The server program accepts memory requests for each of

let your server program act a memory manager, "She memory manager uses a vellOrog as sane. in which pages and frames are 4/14%7.4: 256 bytes, ( .11mts request main memory spate by mottling, to the server the total number of bytes in their lopy.:31 oro,;ccn, (liven a list of free trainees, the server allocates frames for the clients, After client-:• space has been mapped to pirysival space, the server will be prompted with a client number (mum be verified) and a logical address. The server will respond by calculating the physical address,
Example: Client' requests memory fOr its program of size 700 bytes, if free space list (the list of free frames) is 5, 3, 0, 1, 2, then Client" will be allocated frame 5 (1(rr its first 256 trite", frame 3 (firr its next 256 bytes) and frame 0 (fin its final 188 bytes), When prompted lot the physical address for logical address 400, the page table for Clientiwill be examined, We will know that the address in question is on page 1 at offset 144, which in loaded in frame 3. ldra-me begins at location 768, which is (256 * 3), The server calculates the physical address to be '168+144,

The server:
The server program accepts memory requests for each of several clients. A page table is built for each client. The frames assigned to the client are sent hack to the client. Pages are mapped to frames according to a free frame list. For the final check on your program, please use the following free frame list: 4, 6, 2, 7, 0, 5, 9, 11, 1(), 1, 6, 3. The serves will work on a static set of memory allocations as long as the operator wants to continue.

The client:

Each client program sends a memory request to the server program.

The server:
The server program accepts memory requests for each of several clients. A page table is built for each client. The frames assigned to the client are sent hack to the client. Pages arc mapped to frames according to a free frame list. For the final check on your program, please use the following free frame list: 4, 6, 2, 7, 0, 5, 9, 11, 10, 1, 6, 3. The server will work on a static set of memory allocations as long as the operator wants to continue.

The client:
Each client program sends a memory request to the server program. Each client will print its memory size and its assigned frames.

Memory Management:
A physical memory of 12 frames should be sufficient. To be displayed:

The server should print the client number, the logical address, the frame number and a representation of the physical memory.

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Computer Engineering: The server program accepts memory requests for each of
Reference No:- TGS0663191

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