
The sensor housing is mounted on a stationary platform such

Standard rectilinear displacement sensors such as the LVDT and the potentiometer are used to measure displacements up to 25 cm; within this limit, accuracies as high as ± 0.2% can be obtained. For measuring large displacements on the order of 3 m, cable extension displacement sensors, which have an angular displacement sensor as the basic sensing unit, may be used. One type of rectilinear displacement sensor has a rotatory potentiometer and a light cable, which wraps around a spool that rotates with the wiper arm of the pot. In using this sensor, the free end of the cable is connected to the moving member whose displacement is to be measured. The sensor housing is mounted on a stationary platform, such as the support structure of the system being monitored. A spring motor winds the cable back as the cable retracts. Using suitable sketches, describe the operation of this displacement sensor. Discuss the shortcomings of this device.

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Mechanical Engineering: The sensor housing is mounted on a stationary platform such
Reference No:- TGS01582183

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