
The self immolation of a vegetable seller in tunisia on

The self immolation of a vegetable seller in Tunisia on December 18, 2010 triggered a series of uprisings in many Middle Eastern countries. Have the responses of non-state actors, regional governments and/or other governments to each of these uprisings varied? Why? Why not? Which variable(s) (e.g. security, domestic issues, balance of power, image, historical relations, identity, democracy, humanitarian, etc.) best explain the responses to these uprisings?  What can one conclude about the practice of intervention at the beginning of the 21st century based on the occurrence of intervention in the Arab Spring? Please refer to at least three (3) cases of intervention in the Arab Spring in your argument.

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Dissertation: The self immolation of a vegetable seller in tunisia on
Reference No:- TGS02641163

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