
The second page will be a table of contents toc listing the

In need of a little help

A New Practice Field

You own a semipro baseball team (in the location of your choice) and you want to construct a new practice field. You own the land already (20 acres). The land is relatively flat and it has only a few dilapidated structures (barns) and trees on it. Connecting up with existing water and sewer lines would present no unusual technical problems. It is now September, and you would love to have that field ready to go by March, 2 years hence. Your vision would include the playing field, a small clubhouse, and a parking area that would hold about 50 cars. No spectator seating would be required.

The first page of your overall submission must be a cover that contains the project title, team members, team name, team leader contact, and course-identifying information (e.g., "PROJ598 for this term" will suffice, but use the correct term identifier), along with team members and their roles.

The second page will be a table of contents (TOC) listing the major RFP sections and page numbers.

The next ~15 constitute the main body of the RFP (Sections 1-6 in the template provided in doc sharing). at the end of the proposal listing the references that you used in the RFP preparation, including websites, if any. Don't forget to also cite any sources in the text of your paper . This is an academic assignment, so APA is required.

The minimum structure should therefore be as follows.  Please use the provided template under Files - Contract and Procurement. If a section does not apply to your Project, do not include it.

  • sheet (one page)
  • Table of contents (1)
  • RFP main body (15)
  • References in (no page limit)
  • Appendices (no page limit)
  • Appendix B: supplier list (one page)

Deadline: Part 2 is due by the end of Week 7.

(font size 12) total including sheet, TOCs, and References, but no more than 25 . If you feel you need to be more thorough, you will not be penalized for going over the maximum. The minimum of 18 is required, and points will be deducted for white space

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Business Management: The second page will be a table of contents toc listing the
Reference No:- TGS02403559

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