
The second half of the paper will be you arguing if there

Paper Assignment


The first half of this paper is one of literary analysis. Specifically, your job is to tell me whether Albert Camus, author of The Stranger, believed that life had meaning or that it had none. As a result, you must also argue how Camus thought we should live our lives in relation to the aforementioned belief. Use the characters, conversations, and plot points of the text to argue your analysis, and make sure to provide quotes to back up your points. Prove to me that your analysis is viable rather than simply presenting it to me.

Meursault may be of special interest to the reader in this topic, as what Camus believes can be seen in how he either supports or destabilizes Meursault as Meursault eventually comes to the realization that life is meaningless. Does it seem that Meursault is a mouthpiece for Camus, or is he a cautionary tale? Remember that there is no right or wrong to this paper, just your ability to analyze and defend your analysis.

The second half of the paper will be you arguing if there is a point to life, what it is, and how we should live our lives as a result. Don't present your opinion, argue for your correctness. Three outside sources backing you up will be required. Use rhetorical strategies, but don't tell the audience that you are. Even if you aren't sure, pretend that you are.

Length: 6 page minimum. MLA format.

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Other Subject: The second half of the paper will be you arguing if there
Reference No:- TGS02560452

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