Accounting discussion broad
Go out onto the web and find a company that has been "caught" reporting costs incorrectly. This could be inventory valuation, it could be costing methods, it could be channel stuffing.
The SEC finds fault with a number of companies each year and one major source of fault are issues around matching inventory costs to revenue properly. so let's see what you can find.
Those company cannot use
Peregrine Systems
WorldCom (MCI)
Freddie Mac Scandal
Olympus Corp
Adelphia Communications
Global Crossing
Penn West Petroleum
American Apparel
Goldman Sachs
Peregrine Systems, Inc
American Insurance Group (AIG)
Home Loan Services Soluctions, LTD
Qwest Communications
AOL Time Warner
IMClone System
Satyam Computer Services
Bernie Madoff
Jewelry and Collectibles Company With Accounting Fraud
The Baptist Foundation of Arizona
Bristol Myers Squibb
Lehman Brothers
The HealthSouth
Channel Stuffing: Coca-Cola
Miller Energy Resources
Computer Sciences Company (CSC)
Trinity National Corp
Dell Computers
OCZ Technologies Inc
Tyco Scandal (NYSE: TYC)
Diamond Foods
Waste Management (WM)
Enron Accounting Scandal