Details on the requirements for the paper:
Pick one of the subject areas discussed further down. For each of the subject areas pick a few major issues and discuss those.
· Don't produce a somewhat random collection of facts or possibilities; it is better to discuss a few in detail than present a rambling shopping list with no particular message. Consult reference materials and cite those. See below for details on how to cite. Take a position: If you write about space travel, for example, you might want to see if you can make up your mind as to what seem like the most plausible options and what seem less likely possibilities. It is recommended not just summarize what you read, but attach your own opinion on the subject you are writing about.
· The essay will look very different depending on your point of view, so you need to decide what your major message is in advance. In writing your paper, always keep in mind: "What is or are my principal goal(s) in writing this paper?", don't just produce a summary but include your own analysis of the information to reach a conclusion or set of conclusions that you want to convey to the reader. That is why it is critical to consult the reference material before you arrive at your major message and before you start writing.
· Avoid direct citations. The paper should be written in your own words, with nothing copied from anywhere or anyone. Literal citations in a paper of this nature should be kept to a minimum, if used at all. Any literal citation should be in quotation marks.
· The paper should explore the principle topic as stated. Try to stick to just one or a few points you are trying to make, keep it focused. Materials to be consulted can range from text books, to science books or science articles in journals, etc. Do include more than just one reference, don't summarize just one article or textbook section. Try to look at your topic from difference perspectives, including your own. You want to write something that others would find interesting to read.
TOPIC: Interstellar travel - The search for new propulsion mechanisms and the prospects for traveling to the nearby stars. What is the state of the art, what is being planned, and is it sufficient, realistic, or still too far from doing what we need to get there?