Question 1: Describe various types of organizational structures. What are their merits and demerits?
Question 2: As a manager of a firm selling toilet soaps, how will you organize your sales department? What options are available to you? Which option will you choose and explain why?
Question 3: Write brief notes on the given?
a) Geographical structure
b) Product based structure
Question 4: What are different types of organization structures? Illustrate the purpose they serve for the organization?
Question 5: What do you mean by the term recruitment and selection? Describe the sources of recruitment.
Question 6: Describe the steps included in the selection procedure. Do you think the reference checks are significant even for salesman?
Question 7: Explain the process for selection of right kind of salesman.
Question 8: What qualities will you look for in the candidate who has applied for the sales job? As well describe the selection procedure you will use.