
The routes of central and peripheral both play a large part


The routes of central and peripheral both play a large part in persuading. To be more of a credible source in persuading someone, I believe taking the central route would be the most beneficial. The peripheral route can be helpful in persuasion if the viewer or listener finds the speaker attractive; good looks can easily persuade someone. Also, like the video we watched in week two, the man speaking took the peripheral route because he spoke a lot of gibberish that lead us viewers to believe that he knew what he was talking about. The central route should always be emphasized because it is full of ideas, content, motivation, and ability. The central route is more credible and should always be emphasized over the peripheral route.

I think the sequential strategies in persuasion are fantastic and do make a difference. I see them as phrases that a sales person would use to persuade someone into a purchase. Although they can be cheesy and maybe a little annoying, sometimes they may work, and that small amount of "maybe" is better than nothing. I can also relate some of these tactics to giving someone great customer service. For example, " I don't have that specific item that you are looking for, but let me show you what we have that compares to it..." That is not only great service, but a possible sale. The same goes for persuasion. Decline what they believe in, and replace it with something along the same lines that you both can agree on.

Persuasion is aimed at getting others to do something or act a certain way, unfortunately, this is sometimes done through behavior change. The book refers to a mother and son in a persuasive argument. It reached a point where the mother tells the boy that she doesn't care about his wants, and he needs to do what he is being told. We can find that type of behavior in the workplace often. Yelling and strongly insisting can make a difference, but it is actions that convince the audience, not words. For example, if one doesn't like communicating with someone specific in the workplace, they will need to oversee that issue and maintain a professional attitude at work; gaining compliance.

Week Four Discussion Board

You should make one original post that includes all 3 of the topics below. Then comment on at least two other students' posts. You will be graded on all 3 posts...your own and your two responses to others.

Week Four Discussion Topics

1. The central and peripheral routes of ELM run through these chapters. What are your thoughts about the role of involvement in determining whether persuaders should emphasize one route over another?

2. What are your thoughts about sequential strategies?

3. What can someone do when an employer adopts an unethical persuasion strategy that will involves the person in creating, implementing, or participating in it? (Hint: Think about the persuasive strategies you have studied.)

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Marketing Management: The routes of central and peripheral both play a large part
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