The role of the manager in a business organization has been

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The Functions of Management and the New Organization

The role of the manager in a business organization has been defined as a person who can implement the vision, purpose and mission of the business by creating processes, procedures, and short/long term goals that put the organization on a competitive path. The manager does this through the implementation of the four primary functions or pillars of management - planning, organizing, leading/directing, and controlling. Henri Fayol's functions of management mentioned in our organizational theory timeline has created a foundation for the modern management role and are very much alive in running businesses today (it should be noted that it is currently five not four [to include staffing] management pillars). The challenge for the manager in the 21st century is to merge the traditional functions of a manager to include a greater role in developing long term goals and leading people while still maintaining the traditional functions of management. This week's themes explore the definition of the four functions of management and how they form the foundation of the manager's job.


  • Four Functions of Management
  • Episode 105: The Management Process
  • Management Functions
  • What are the Important Steps Involved in Staffing Process? (5 Steps)
  • What is Management and Leadership difference and four principles of management (video 6:20 minutes - transcript available)
  • The Principles of Management (video 27:12 minutes - transcript available)
  • Strategic Management (8 pages)
  • Concise Dictionary of Management Terms (optional read but provides management terminology for which students should be familiar)

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Business Management: The role of the manager in a business organization has been
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