The role of ethics in gathering competitive data


• Critical Thinking Case Analysis Reflection . Ethics play a role in our study of environmental scanning and industry forecasting.

o Prepare for critical thinking assignment, review the required textbook reading and proceed to . On this website, thoroughly investigate information about a professional organization, Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP), whose vision is: "Better decisions through competitive intelligence" (Vision & Mission, n.d. para. 1). In a 1 to 2 page paper discuss

• The role of ethics in gathering competitive data

• The role/s within an organization that bear responsibility to ensure ethical behavior when conducting external organizational analysis

• Your thoughts about whether a professional organization such as SCIP has a place in the global business community Use specific examples to support your position. Those examples may be from your experience or from additional reading. Please use properly formatted citations to give credit to outside sources. Note: CSU-Global APA standards are required Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (n.d.). Vision & mission. Retrieved from

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Business Management: The role of ethics in gathering competitive data
Reference No:- TGS01799901

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