This assignment asks you to research, analyse and reflect upon one of four subject areas within the
overarching description of Professionalism.
The fours subject areas are:
1 What is it and where does it come from?
2 Is it relevant in today's market economy?
3 A comparison with other professional bodies?
4 The role in Professionalism of the RIBA and ARB?
You are asked to be focussed and stick to the subject area of your specific topic.
The assignment is set as an individual project.
To develop an understanding of what professionalism means and its importance in today's context
You are asked to undertake this task as if you were in an office and have been asked to prepare a short
presentation for your partners or directors about this subject area
You are asked to prepare a Pecha Kucha presentation: 20 slides x 20 seconds per side, (If you were to read
for 20 seconds you would cover about 75 words)
You are therefore asked not to write an essay - the work will consist of a series of short coherent notes
A coherent set of notes, in the form of a power point presentation, relating to your chosen topic within
the broad heading of Professionalism.