
The rise of western civilization since 1500 based on

Please answer these questions basic on the book Niall Ferguson, Civilization: The West and the Rest, and your opinion.

200words each

1. "The rise of Western civilization since 1500 based on economic, scientific, medical andtechnological progress and growth is the most important phenomenon of modern history(nothing else comes even close), and the most interesting question a historian of themodern era can ask is: Why did the West come to dominate the Rest? The facile if nottautological answer is the West dominated the rest because of imperialism andcolonialism. But this is not a sufficient explanation." (Niall Ferguson) Critically discuss.

3. "In the years since the American Revolution the United States has arguably become theworld's most successful economy and state, but South American revolutions andindependence soon after consigned that region to two centuries of division, instability,coup and counter-coup, revolution and counter-revolution, violence, conflict, poverty,inequality and underdevelopment. Why was that?" (Niall Ferguson) Critically discuss.

5. "Is imperialism and colonialism of the Western economic powers, such as the Europeannations and the United States, over the last 200 or so years, the root cause of all of theworld's economic problems, as taught in nearly all Western universities?" (Niall Ferguson)Critically discuss.

Please answer these questions basic on the book Niall Ferguson, Civilization: The West and the Rest, and your opinion.

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