The resulting oscillation is detected by a nearby ship

A 12 V battery is sitting in a hut on a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific. The positive terminal of the battery is connected to one end of a 314.2 pF capacitor in series with a 869.1 JLH inductor. An earthquake in the Bonin Islands of Japan triggers a tsunami that crashes into the hut, spilling salt water onto a rag that connects the other end of the inductor/capacitor combination to the negative terminal of the battery so that a series RLC circuit is formed. The resulting oscillation is detected by a nearby ship monitoring a radio beacon signal at 290.5 kHz (1.825 Mrad/s). What is the resistance of the damp rag?

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Electrical Engineering: The resulting oscillation is detected by a nearby ship
Reference No:- TGS01463161

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