The Research aim is to collect baseline knowledge about peripheral neuropathy, To undertake
1. In no more than 50 words state your research proposal topic:
The research proposal topic is to improve knowledge regarding peripheral neuropathy in patients suffering with diabetes.
2. In no more than 50 words state the study aims/questions:
The Research aim is to collect baseline knowledge about peripheral neuropathy, To undertake intervention about peripheral neuropathy and to collect their health information by giving leaflets and collect their knowledge data about peripheral neuropathy and i will advice them to take food change, eye check-up and regular blood sample tests and other preventive measures to prevent peripheral neuropathy.
3. In no more than 50 words describe your research design (qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods) and state your data collection methods
- Cross-sectional study
- Mixed method (both qualitative and quantitative)
- Data collection through structured interviews and collection of patient's health information by giving brochures.
4. List three ethical issues that are inherent in your study
These are the three ethical issues which are inherent in my study.
- Justice
- Respect for human dignity
- Beneficence
5. What is the expected budget amount (estimate only)?
My estimated budget for my research proposal is given in the following tabular column:
Expected Expenditure
50 AUD
Printing and Graphic designing
200 AUD
Postal Charges
75 AUD
Transportation and Logistics
100 AUD
Complimentary vouchers for Participants
200 AUD
Internet and Mobile Charges
200 AUD
Grand Total : 825 AUD