
The report should not only be a summary but a critical

Buffalo Creek Disaster

By Gerald Stern

You have the opportunity to earn up to 20 extra credit points by reading and writing a report of the Buffalo Creek Disaster by Gerald Stern. There is no specific length required for your report, but it should be typed and double-spaced and will likely be 4-6 pages in length. 

Your report should demonstrate that you have read the book and thought about it in context of business law. This means a demonstrated understanding that you cannot attain from skimming the book or looking up a review online. The report should not only be a summary, but a critical review of the book. 50 percent of your grade will be based upon the substance of your report.

Your report must be organized. You will need an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement. You will have a body that supports or that is consistent with your thesis statement. Finally, you should have a conclusion that ties in your thesis statement to the body. You should consider writing an outline before writing the report to make sure it is appropriately organized. In addition to organization, you should use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 50 of your grade will be based upon the technical aspects of your report.]

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Business Management: The report should not only be a summary but a critical
Reference No:- TGS02858091

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