
The report is to be based on the following case study

Assessment task

Students are required to write an academic report as per the format outlined in chapter 5 of the textbook. Thereport must follow either the Harvard citation and referencing guidelinesor APA referencing style.Please note that the prescribed textbook uses APA referencing guidelines but the School of Engineering and Technology recommends Harvard style. See also the Referencing Style subsection below.

The report is to be based on the following case study scenarioabout Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD).

BYOD refers to the situation where organisations allow their employees to bring their personal mobile devices (such as, laptop computers, tablet computers and smart phones) into the workplace and to use those devices to access the organisations' Wi-Fi, intranet, organisational information and computer applications. The term BYOD is also used to describe the same practice being applied to students using their personal devices at school or university.

Staff who choose to BYOD argue that it is more convenient for them and makesthem more productive in the workplace. Advantages for organisations include the potential forcost savingsand increased morale of their employees.

However, BYOD also brings significant risks. To ensure that confidential organisational information does not end up with their competitors,organisations need to ensure that they have adequate security measures in place. BYOD increases the opportunities for security breaches to occur.For example,family or friends of employees may have access to the devices in the home environment which could allow non-employees to access confidential information. In addition devices may be lost, misplaced or sold (without first removing the sensitive information) which could result in unauthorised access to an organisations' sensitive data.

Another issue with BYOD is the lack of standardisation. It is hard for technical staff to support a variety of BYODs that all have a range of software applications on them.

You are the ICT manager of a large software development company based in Sydney. Your organisation has a diversified business model that includes mobile application development as well as developing information systems applications for large organisations.The Chief Executive Officer (CEO)has asked you to research BYODat your organisation. She is interested in finding out how the use of BYOD could be used to improve its business model both locally and globally over the next five years. She is also concerned about any possible negative impacts on your organisation. You are to write a report to be presented at the next executive meeting. The report should address the following tasks:

1. What are BYODs and how are they currently being used. You should explore a range of applications of BYOD,for example, in areas such as healthcare, education and other software companies.

2. Discussat least three ways that BYODscould be used to enhance your organisation over the next five years. In particularthe CEO would like you to explore ways BYODscould be used to provide opportunities to expand your business both locally and globally. Analyse potential options that could lead to recommendations at the end of your report.

3. Assess the advantages and disadvantages of using BYODs. Consider the current uses by various organisations and possibilities for your organisation (especially those you have considered in tasks 1 and 2 above). Explore the ethical, social and legal considerations, and the potential positive and negative impacts your organisation should consider. These should lead to some recommendations at the end of your report.

Your report should conclude with a list of recommendations for your organisation with respect to the current and future use of BYODs. Before making specific recommendations at the end of your report, you should evaluate the options as part of your report discussion.
Please note that you will need to make some assumptions about the organisation in order to write this report. These assumptions should be incorporated in the introduction to your report when you describe the organisationand outline the problem to be solved.Relevant assumptions should be incorporated when addressing tasks 2 and 3 above. Do not make assumptions that are not relevant or will not be used in your report discussion.

Specifically your report should include the following (word count details are approximate guidelines only):

1. Title page:student name, student number, email address, course code, assignment number, assignment due date, academic referencing style, campus lecturer/tutor, and course coordinator.Not counted in the word count.Note the title page must indicate which academic referencing style you have used: APA or Harvard.

2. Executive summary:should include the purpose of the report, the problem and how it was investigated, your findings and your recommendations.Should be approximately 300 words.

3. Table of Contents: should list the report topics using decimal notation. Needs to include the main headings and subheadings with corresponding page numbers, using a format that makes the hierarchy of topics clearUseMS Word's ToC auto-generator rather than manually typing out the ToC. Instructions can be found here https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Create-a-table-of-contents-or-update-a-table-of-contents-eb275189-b93e-4559-8dd9-c279457bfd72#__create_a_table.Not counted in the word count.

4. Introduction:provide a brief description of the organisation, a concise overview of the problem you have been asked to research,the objectives to be achieved by writing the report and how you investigatedthe problem. Provide an outline of the sections of the report. Note that you will have to make assumptions about what type of organisation you are working for in this case study. Should be approximately 400 words.

5. Body of the report (use appropriate headings in the body of the report.): Define key terms you will use in your report, such as what is meant by ‘BYOD'. Present your ideas on the topic and discuss the information you found in your research that was relevant to the report's objectives.Provide an analysis of the information that you gathered. Ensure that you explore the three tasks listed in the case study scenario. You also need to discuss the ethical, social and legal aspects surrounding this issue. In your discussion, examine the issues from a global perspective as well as from the local perspective (of the fictional organisation that is the centre of this report).

Do NOT use ‘Body of the Report' as a heading. Create meaningful headings that reflect the content of your report. Should be approximately 1500 words.

6. Conclusion: based on your research and analysis. Explain the significance of your findings and your discussion. State if your report has achieved its objectives.Should be approximately 400 words.

7. Recommendations:(must be based on your findings) what would your recommendations be to your CEO and the executive management teamin this situation? Provide some guidelines for the organisation with respect to the implementation and use of BYODs. Should beapproximately 400 words.

8. Reference list.Not counted in the word count.

9. Appendices if necessary.Not counted in the word count.

Note:Additional information regarding this assignment may be placed on the course website as required.Check the course website at least once a week for further information relating to the report. Regular access to the course website is a requirement of this course.

Assessment Requirements

Your response should be structured as a report (chapter 5 of textbook), written in accordance with standard academic writing principles (chapter 4 of textbook).The report must be written using your own words with any in text citations clearly marked (see Referencing Style subsectionbelow). You may discuss the assessment task with other students and the lecturing staff but you must WRITE the report YOURSELF in your own words.

You will need to conduct research to support yourarguments using atleastten(10) references. One of these could be your set textbook (if you reference the textbook you must include it in the reference list). You must have a minimum of ten (10) references in your reference list. At least six (6) of these references should be from refereed academic journals and books. All sources should be current that is,dated 2011 or later. You are encouraged to use more than the minimum requirements for a better quality outcome to your report.

The assignment should demonstrate a logical flow of discussion,be grammatically correct and free from typographical, spelling and grammaticalerrors. It should be prepared in MS-Word (or equivalent) using 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing and margins of 2.54 cm.

It is highly recommended that you submit your assignment to the Academic Learning CentreAT LEAST ONE WEEK before the due date so that it can be checked for spelling and grammatical errors.

Referencing Style

References must be cited (in text) and a reference list provided in accordance with either the Harvard (author-date) referencing style or the APA referencing style.

Helpful information on referencing techniques and styles can also be found on CQU's referencing webpage:

Marks will be deducted for poor referencing or having less thanten (10) references or going under or over the word length.

Use quotation marks for direct quotes and you must include the author, date and page number(s) with the quote as per the referencing standards.

ALL assignments will be checked for plagiarism (material copied from other students and/or material copied from other sources) using TurnItIn.If you are found to have plagiarised material or if you have used someone else's words without appropriate referencing, you will be penalised for plagiarism which could result in zero marks for the whole assignment. In some circumstances a more severe penalty may be imposed.Weekly Participation Activities

Week - Participation Activity 1


Using the guidelines in the Week 2 course reading ‘How to email your lecturer' on the Moodle website, write and send an email to your local lecturer. The body of the email should have two parts: a Personal Biography; and your thoughts about this course. The email should be written in first person as you are writing about yourself. The message should include conventional elements such as a greeting at the beginning, a salutation at the end and a signature containing your full name, student number and program of study.

Part A - Personal Biography

You need to include in the email awell-structured"Personal Biography" (approximately 250 words). The biography should contain an overview of your education, work experience and achievements. Some tips on writing a biography can be found through this link:

You may have gone straight from school to undergraduate study then onto postgraduate study at university and have no work experience. If that is your situation then you should explain why you have no work experience and describe your plans for work in future. Similarly, this applies for achievementsalso.

Part B - Professional Skills in Information Communication Technology

The email should also describe what you would like to achieve by studying this course and any questions or suggestions you may have about this course. This section should be about 150 words.

Upload a copy of the sent email to Moodle (in the form of a MS-Word document) to be marked. Add the header details, the content of the message and also a screenshot of your sent message to a MS-Word file and submit. Do not submit an image file only. Students will be penalised if there is no MS-Word file to mark and provide feedback through Track Changes.

If you use Outlook you can open the message and click "save as" and save the message as a text file that you can upload into Moodle. Or you could copy and paste the To:, subject line and content of the message in a MS-Word file and also add a screen shot of your email to that file and upload into Moodle.

- Recommend use of headings and paragraphs to clearly identify separate elements
- A copy of the email has to be uploaded into Moodle to be marked.
- Word count 400 words (+/- 10%).

Week 4 - Participation Activity 2
Complete the on-line Quiz - click on PA2_Week-4 in Assessment box on the COIT20249 Moodle site. All questions relate to Information Literacy Skills.

Note you will have one (1) attempt only to complete this quiz. It will close at 5:00 PM AEST on the Monday of Week 5.

Week 6 - Participation Activity 3

By now you should have started organising your ideas and arguments for the Report (Assessment item 3). To ensure that you submit the best Report possible it is important that you seek constructive feedback from your local lecturer. This PA requires you tosubmit an early draft of your Report. This will be marked and returned to you in time for you to use the feedback to improve your Report.The draft should include:

- Title page -This should be as per the Requirements in the Report (Assessment 3) specification.
- Three or four sentences describing the organisationwhich is the case study in the Report.
- Three or four sentences stating the aim/purpose of your Report.
- Outline the sections/headingsand the content that you will include in the body of the Report.For each section provide two or three sentences about what will be included in that section.
- Three or foursentences about your findings/conclusions.
- A brief summary of your recommendations.

This draft Report MUST RELATE to the case study described in Assessment 3 - Report. That is, your submission needs to be specific to the case study.DO NOT just provide generic details about what to include in a report.

Week 10 - Participation Activity 4


Complete the on-line Quiz - click on PA4_Week-10 in Assessment box on the COIT20249 Moodle site. All questions relate to working in a globalised world.

The reference should be in Harvard style and delivery should be with in the dead line. i specified the dead line for each task.

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Dissertation: The report is to be based on the following case study
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