1.Inputs such as pH of blood, body temperature, blood Ca ++ levels, and outputs like increased heart rate, increased salivation, contraction of skeletal muscle etc. are all monitored by the________system.
2.In the nervous system feedback loop, the light -sensitive cell of the retina in the eye would be an example of a ________in the nervous system.
3.In the nervous system feedback loop, the tissue/organ that carries out a desired function is called a/an________.
4.In the nervous system feedback loop, the spinal cord, medulla, pons, and midbrain are a few of the structures of the nervous system that are
part of the________ ________.
5.Because they bring information to the CNS,sensory pathways are________.
6.Because they take information from the CNS,motor pathways are________.
7.The motor division of the somatic nervous system controls contraction of________ ________.
8.The motor division of the________nervous system controls glandular secretions and smooth muscle contraction.
9.Leakage channels have the same probability of being open (or closed), regardless of
whether the neuron is generating an________ ________.
10.The parasympathetic and sympathetic are subdivisions of the________nervous system.
11.The brain and spinal cord are organs of the ________ ________ ________.
12.A________is a collection of nerve cell bodies in the peripheral nervous system.
13.A________is a collection of nerve cell bodies in the central nervous system.
14.________are the cells of the nervous system that receive,process,and send information.
15.Ependymal cells are a type of________in the CNS
16.Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system form________.
17.Astrocytes in the central nervous system are analogous to________cells in the peripheral nervous system.
18.Tracts are bundles of axons found in the________ ________system.
19.Bundles of axons in the peripheral nervous system are called________.
20.Voltage-gated channels propagate________ ________along axons.
21.A________triggers asmall positive voltage change in a sensory neuron.
22.Depolarization of a neuron occurs when________channels open.
23.The repolarizing phase is when the membrane voltage falls to a negative value, close to the equilibrium potential of________.
24.When the membrane potential goes below the average resting potential, _ _______has occurred.
25.Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) in a postsynaptic membrane causes the cell to become more________.
26.Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in a postsynaptic membrane causes the cell to become more________.
27.Ligand-gated channels would be expected to predominate in neuronal________.
28.Voltage-gated channels would be expected to predominate in neuronal________.
29.Ligand-gated channels are generally affected by________and________.
30.What is the major role of the glial cells?
31.Voltage -gated channels are proteins that change_______during the action potential.
32.Alpha motor neurons control contraction of ________ ________in the somatic nervous system.
33.When K+channels are open the intracellular membrane potential would be more________.
34.When the Na+channels are open the intracellular membrane potential would be more________.
35.Hyperpolarization of a post-synaptic membrane is the result of an________.
36.Depolarization of a post -synaptic membrane is the result of an________.
37.Spatial summation is describes many EPSPs or IPSPs arriving at a similar_____ ___.
38.Temporal summation describes many EPSPs or IPSPs arriving at a similar________.
39.Opening of ligand-gated sodium channels would result in the generation of a________.
40.Opening of ligand-gated potassium channels would result in the generation of a________.
41.Graded potentials (IPSPs and EPSPs) will travel________distances.
42.Typical characteristics of graded potentials (IPSPs and EPSPs) would include . . .
43.Typical characteristic of action potentials would include . . .
44.Neurotransmitters such as aspartate and glutamate are________amino acids.
45.Neurotransmitters such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and serotonin are________amino acids.
46.Structurally, substance P is a________.
47.At normal body temperature, nitri coxide (NO) is a__ ______.
48.Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) functions
to promote the flight or -flight response and will________ blood pressure.
49.Dopamine is a biogenic amine that will facilitate coordinated/smooth________ ________.
50.Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine is a biogenic amine that regulates________.
51. A cetylcholine is most often an________neurotransmitter.
52.A cetylcholine is an________neurotransmitter when K +channels of the postsynaptic cell open.
53.Ionotropic receptors are those that________an________channels.
54.Metabotropic receptors change the________of a neuron.