
the relationships between behaviour and health

The Relationships between Behaviour and Health Outcomes

According to the health service providers, there exist a relationship between behaviuor of an individual and his/her health status. When improving the health of an individual much effort is put in modifying the individual's behavior. Mostly, the health of a person is determined by his behavior choices. Most people who smoke cigarette have a high chance of suffering from lung cancer than those who do not smoke. High alcohol intake results to cirrhosis and also sexual immorality causes sexual transmitted diseases which results to death (Gochman 1988).

Eating a lot of food without exercise makes one to suffer from obesity. Lack of enough food leads to malnutrition and makes one to be more prone to diseases like Kwashiorkor and Marasmus.Staying in dirty environments and not maintaining cleanliness like always washing hands after visiting the toilets and washing the fruits before consumption results to diseases like cholera. Loss of a loved one or a spouse by death results to harsh psychological and socioeconomic consequences. This affects the health status of the widowed person (Wikinson 1996).Behaviours that causes diseases should be avoided in the rural communities so as to prevent diseases and ensure healthy communities.

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