
The relationship between neighborhood socioeconomic

This is a FINAL Project Paper that will require some literature research and an improved write-up of the introductory part of the research paper. The conceptual part of the Research Papers is paramount. -

you have the opportunity to share the significance of your results in the practice of public health. With your health issue and data in mind, integrate instructor and peer feedback you have received throughout the course, in completing your statistical analyses.

The Assignment: (7-10 pages)

• Section I: Introduction (3 pages)
o Brief description of your identified public health topic
o Summary of other studies that directly relate to your identified topic
o Statement of the Problem/Research question
o Written statements for both your null and alternative/research hypothesis
o Brief description of the significance of why this issue is important for examination
• Section II: Methodology (1page)
o Brief description of the study sample
o Description of the data gathering methods for your variables of interest
o Explanation of the types of statistical analyses you conducted and why
Section III: Results (2-4 pages)
o Description of the steps you took to conduct your statistical analyses
o Summary of your statistical findings
- Narrative description
- Tables and graphs (Be careful--too many tables and graphs decreases clarity)
Section IV: Conclusions and Discussion (1-2 pages)
o Explanation of your major results (Be sure to answer your research question.)
o If appropriate, report on statistical significance (or not) of your results; including any relationship between your variables of interest, if any. Be specific and provide examples.
o Social change implications of your results for the population that was sampled from
o Suggestions for future research
o SPSS Codebook
o Syntax Code (step-by-step instructions of how to run the different analyses)
• References

you are asked to prepare the Introduction to your Final Project. It should include the following components:
• Brief description of your identified public health topic
• Summary of other studies that directly relate to your identified topic
• Identify the dataset you have selected and provide a brief description of the independent and dependent variables in that dataset
• Statement of the Problem/Research question
• Written statements for both your null and alternative/research hypothesis
• Annotated bibliography with at least 4 recent peer-reviewed articles related to your topic and a brief description of the relevance to your study


In recent years, both the scientific literature and popular press have devoted attention to [public health topic]. A study by Jones, Ray, Thompson, and Mendez(2010) indicated.... In contrast, Smith and Henderson (2013) found that... Nonetheless, evidence from the local and regional level is corroborated by data reported in the [health topic study]. Data from the 2012 reports show excess prevalence of [health outcome] among certain subpopulations. Etc... However, none of these studies has examined the impact of [risk factor] on [health outcome].

Using secondary data from [pre-selected dataset], the present study examines the relationship between [independent variable/risk factor] and [dependent variable/health outcome]. The null hypothesis proposes there is no statistically significant association between [IV] and [DV] while the alternative hypothesis proposes there is a statistically significant association between [IV] and [DV].

Annotated Bibliography

1. Pabayo, R., Molnar, B.E., Cradock, A., &Kawachi, I. (2014). The Relationship Between Neighborhood Socioeconomic Characteristics and Physical Inactivity Among Adolescents Living in Boston, Massachusetts. Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print September 11, 2014: e1-e8. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302109

Pabayo and colleagues examined whether the socioeconomic environment was associated with no participation in physical activity among adolescents in Boston, Massachusetts.Data for this cross-sectional study came from the 2008 Boston Youth Survey (BYS), a biennial survey of high-school students (aged 14-19 years in grades 9-12) in Boston Public Schools. Multi-level logistic modeling revealed that high social fragmentation within the residential neighborhood was associated with an increased likelihood of being inactive (odds ratio = 1.53; 95% confidence interval = 1.14, 2.05). This source will be used to support the idea that further research is needed on community-level factors that influence physical activity.

2. Peer-reviewed article reference in APA style

Brief description of study aim, methods used, major findings, and how you plan to use the source.

3. Peer-reviewed article reference in APA style

4. Peer-reviewed article reference in APA style

Include 4-6 peer-reviewed resources.

Be sure to follow APA format.

Answer questions based on Findings/Results of Research Paper!

Please remember APA format, Scholarly sources (References), and All Parts of the Paper clearly labeled. All previous week's papers in other words, include all pertaining parts that MUST be included in the FINAL submit.

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Dissertation: The relationship between neighborhood socioeconomic
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