
The rectifier outputvoltage ripple factor must not exceed 5

Design a capacitor filter for a single phase full bridgediode rectifier to convert the 240V, 50Hz main supply AC voltage to12V DC voltage for low power applications. This rectifier isexpected to deliver 6W to a resistive load. The rectifier outputvoltage ripple factor must not exceed 5%. In your design, assumethe voltage variation during discharging period is linear and theoutput voltage ripple frequency is twice the source frequency.Assume the transformer to be ideal.

(a). Calculate the:
i) capacitance.
ii) rms ac voltage on the transformer secondary side.
iii) transformer turns ratio.

(b). Select the available component from the market for the diodeand capacitor. For safety reasons, consider at least 20% higher rating for the diode. Attach the component datasheets with relevant rating details.

(c). Simulate and verify the design in PSIM based on the designedcapacitance. Show the:
i) circuit diagram with parameters.
ii) waveform of the source voltage.
iii) waveform of the output voltage, value of the average outputvoltage and the rms output voltage ripple.
iv) waveform of the transformer secondary current and the peak value of transformer secondary current.
v) waveform of the output current and the average value of outputcurrent.

(d). Confirm the following parameters by referring to the simulation results:
i) component ratings.
ii) output voltage ripple factor

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Electrical Engineering: The rectifier outputvoltage ripple factor must not exceed 5
Reference No:- TGS0629601

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