The Received Message
If we didn't mention another class of header lines that are inserted by the SMTP receiving server. The receiving server upon receiving a message with MIMI header lines appends a received header line to the top of the message this header line specifies the name of the SMTP server that the message (From) the name of the SMTP server that receive this massage (by) and the time at which the receiving server received the message. Thus the message seen by the destination user takes server received the message. Thus the message seen by the destination user takes the followings form received: From by 11 july 08 15: 27:39GMT
From : heena
To : Harish @
Subject : Picture of monalisa
MIME version 1. 0
Content transfer encoding : bas 64
Content type image / jpeg
Base 64 encoded date
The received header line is directly seen on the screen or when the message is sent to a printer.