The questions on this homework deal with an economy called Economica. This economy contains a total of two banks; I've included partial balance sheet information for each below. To avoid each question becoming huge, I won't repeat this information for future questions.
Bank One:
$1,500 cash within the bank
$3,000 Deposit in the Fed
$6,000 equity (capital)
$12,000 saving deposits
$16,000 checking deposits (DD)
Bank Two:
$2,000 cash within the bank
$3,500 Deposit in the Fed
$8,000 equity (capital)
$15,000 savings deposits
$20,000 checking deposits (DD)
Residents in this economy hold $6,000 in cash. The reserve requirement ratio is the same as we've used on all graded assignments.
You can safely assume that all banks must keep 10% of DD as required reserves.
Calculate this economy's monetary base by combining actual and potential reserves. Note that the base is an economy-wide variable. Carefully follow all numeric instructions.