
The purpose of this researchers phenomenological

Question: module 8 dq 1 response to Deliah

The purpose of this researcher's phenomenological qualitative study is to explore the social and professional lived experiences of Black female faculty working in community colleges in South, Texas, by collecting data; specifically interviews and survey questionnaires. The researcher will select 10-15 recruits purposively and through snowballing to complete a short structured questionnaire and one-on-one interview, as well as follow-up interviews using an un-structured questionnaire. Data will be collected through a survey questionnaire that will include: demographic questions about the participants' background, information about gender, age-range, discipline, and years employed in a community college. In addition, A Critical Incident Report will be included, so respondents can report challenging incidents and experiences.

The researcher will also conduct semi-structured interviews on the phone, via SKPE, an internet videoconferencing or face-to-face. Giorgi (2009) contends that the basic outcome of a phenomenological study is the description of the meaning of a lived experience. Once all data are collected, each transcript will be read through individually and emergent themes will be highlighted. Specifically, information the researcher would expect to find, issues or concepts not anticipated, and experiences that seemed to stand out are highlighted. This research is necessary to increase awareness of the incessant structural and systemic inequities in higher education, to educate higher education institutions on the importance of diversity and give voice to the experiences of Black female faculty in community colleges in South, Texas.

I have chosen discrimination as the phenomenon, is this correct?

R1: What are the discriminatory practices, if any, are experienced by Black female faculty in community colleges in South Texas, if any?

R2: What are the social and professional lived experiences of Black female faculty in community colleges in South Texas?

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Dissertation: The purpose of this researchers phenomenological
Reference No:- TGS02359163

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