
The purpose of this project is to create the 3d modeling 2d

Project: Design Four Disaster


The purpose of this project is to create the 3D modeling, 2D working drawings, perspective view renderings, and walkthrough for Design 4 Disaster project.


I. Individual Work - Housing Unit

1. Use Architectural template

2. Adjust Level height and Rename (open the building elevation)

a. level 1 - 0' 0"
b. level 2 - 9' 2"

3. Rename plans in the Project Browser

a. Level 1: FLOOR PLAN
b. Level 2: ROOF PLAN

4. Link a CAD drawing (** all CAD drawings must be invisible in final plans)

a. Insert > Link > Link CAD > select CAD file
b. Color: Preserve
c. Positioning: Auto -Center to Center
d. Layers/Levels: Visible
e. Place at First Floor (Level 1)

5. Exterior walls - Shipping Container


b. Architecture tab - Build panel - Components > Model-in place € select Walls > Rename it € Create tab - Forms panel - Extrusion tool € select Pick Lines in the Draw panel and pick outlines of the shipping container € select Rectangle drawing tool and draw a box using inside lines of the container €click Finish Edit Mode

c. In the properties, Extrusion End: 9' 2", change Materials with steel (but students can decide the finish material, such as paint)

d. Click Finish Model

6. Interior walls

a. Wall Height - Top constraint: up to ROOF PLAN
b. Wall type - Interior Partition, change materials
c. Wall Thickness - students can decide this or follow the direction of Interior Design Studio 3
d. Location Line - Wall center or Finish face: Exterior or Interior
e. Insert Baseboards - follow the Studio 3 direction, students can decide the baseboard type and size
f. When you insert windows in the container

? Insert windows in the container before creating interior walls
? add interior walls in the container wall side
? Open building elevation view and change to Wireframe view to see outlines of the window
? Select the interior wall € click Edit Profile and use Rectangle drawing tool to cut window opening on the interior wall

7. Windows

a. Sill and Head height - follow the Studio 3 direction
b. Students can decide the window type and material
c. Add window treatments (i.e. blinds, curtains, shadows, etc.) families

8. Doors

a. Door widths and height - follow the Studio 3 direction
b. Students can decide the Door type and material

9. Floors

a. Add a floor slab in the first floor
b. Floor thickness, type and material: thickness - 4", students can decide the type of the floor and then change the finish material. Use also Split Face and Paint tools

10. Ceilings

a. Top cover panel of the container

? Architecture > Ceiling > Sketch ceiling
? Type and Thickness - select GWB in Metal Stud > Edit Type > Duplicate and Rename > Edit > delete the Gypsum Wall Board layer > Change the material of Metal stud layer with steel with 4" thickness
? Use Pick Line tool and pick inside lines of exterior walls
? Height offset from level: 8' 10"
? You can insert only this cover panel to design the exposed ceiling

b. Gypsum ceiling panel

? If you want to insert the interior ceiling panel, open REFLECTED CEILING PLAN again
? Architecture > Ceiling > Sketch ceiling
? Type and Thickness - select GWB in Metal Stud (you can apply the paint material in the finish gypsum board)
? Height offset from level - maximum 8' 5 3/4" (because the thickness of GWB in Metal
Stud is 4 ¼")

c. However, students can choose any type of ceiling panel/material

11. Lighting and Switch families

a. there may be no plenum space, so recessed lighting type is not appropriate
b. Insert switches and draw electrical lines
c. Create an Electrical Legend table

12. Furniture families

a. Duplicate the FLOOR PLAN to create FURNITURE PLAN
b. insert furniture families (try to use Autodesk seek and Manufacturer websites)
c. Change materials of families and then insert them into the project (sometimes, you need to change the family materials in the project also)
d. Insert furniture tags

13. Plumbing fixtures - Insert all pluming fixture families

14. Interior elevation symbols

a. Add interior elevation symbols in the FLOOR PLAN

b. select Interior elevation tag > Edit type > click Elevation tag: ½" circle > select Elevation Mark

Body_Circle: Filled Arrow

15. Room tags

a. Insert room names in both FLOOR PLAN and FURNITURE PLAN using Text tool

16. Dimensions

a. In the FLOOR PLAN, insert dimensions for exterior walls, openings (doors and windows)

II. Group Work - Site Plan (Community Plan), Community Center, Walkthrough

1. Site Plan (Community Plan)

a. Use the new Architecture template
b. Adjust the level height and rename for FLOOR PLAN. Delete the Level 2
c. Open FLOOR PLAN and Insert > Link Revit > select the resident unit files
d. After inserting one unit, select it and use Copy to Clipboard > Paste from the Clipboard to create multiple unit buildings > Rearrange resident unit buildings
e. Create the community center in the FLOOR PLAN
f. Open SITE PLAN and create site and insert site components. >
i. Massing & site > Toposurface to draw the site > create Building Pad under all buildings, and move them down a little bit (maybe 1') > use Subregion to create the sidewalk > insert Site Component

2. Community Center exterior design

a. Open FLOOR PLAN again and create the community center
b. Students can choose any technique, for example, inserting general walls/ceilings/floorings or using Model-in place tool
c. Change the material - follow the studio 3 direction
d. Insert windows and doors - size, type, height, and material: follow the studio 3 direction
e. Students don't need to design and build interior spaces
f. Exterior and interior height - follow the Studio 3 direction

3. Walkthrough - the detailed direction will be given during class time


1. Individual Work

1) Working Drawings for the Housing Unit in the titleblock (PDF file, 11"x17" sheet)

*Group members must use the same titleblock

* All final drawings must use Hidden line view and Coarse level with black color solid pattern walls

a. FLOOR PLAN - ¼"=1'-0" drawing scale, built-in furniture, plumbing fixtures, exterior dimensions, room tags (room name), interior elevation symbols; do not show the floor patterns

b. FURNITURE PLAN - ¼"=1'-0" drawing scale, all built-in and movable furniture, plumbing fixtures, room tags (room name), furniture tags; do not show the floor patterns

c. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN - ¼"=1'-0" drawing scale, lighting fixtures, switches, switch lines, door section line (not door swing line), ceiling height, Electrical Legend; do not show the ceiling patterns except ACT grid lines

d. INTERIOR ELEVATIONS (Two) - ¼"=1'-0" drawing scale, built-ins, finish material tags, dimensions for walls/baseboards/crown molding/doors/windows/other openings, hide level symbols, adjust the crop region

2) Revit project file for the Housing Unit

a. This project file must include all required final views (2D and 3D), sheets, legend
b. Please keep Exterior Elevation views in the Revit project file

3) Retouched renderings (jpg files) for the Housing Unit

a. Turn on shadows in the View Control bar
b. Adjust the brightness/contrast of all renderings; insert cut-off people
c. Render in Cloud setting - final, maximum, advanced, jpg
d. Render setting

a. Furniture Plan or Axonometric (hide the front wall)

i. min. Best quality with Resolution: Printer, minimum 300 dpi

ii. Sun setting - Exterior: Sun only; Solar Study: Lighting, choose either sunlight from top Right or Top Left, uncheck Ground Plane at Level, adjust Azimuth & Altitude

2. Group Work

a. Two interior perspective views

i. min. Best quality with Resolution: Printer, minimum 300 dpi
ii. Sun setting - Interior: Sun and Artificial lighting; Solar Study: Still, adjust season, location, date, time

*Group members must use the same titleblock
* Site Plan must use Hidden line view

1) Working drawing for the Site Plan (Community plan) in the titleblock and Cover Page (PDF file, 11"x17" sheet)

a. Area tags (use Text tool) - housing units, community center, outdoor spaces
b. the group can decide the drawing scale of the Site Plan

2) Revit project file for overall community including Housing Units, Community Center, and outdoor places in the site. This Revit file must include walkthrough and sheets (a cover page and a site plan).

3) Walkthrough (mp4 file)

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Dissertation: The purpose of this project is to create the 3d modeling 2d
Reference No:- TGS01718538

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