
The purpose of this memo is to point out facts that are

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I will be outlining the structural and human resource concepts in which are relevant to the New England Aquarium. The structural concepts that are to be focused are goals, objectives, and strategies. To elaborate more upon the structural concepts, the aquarium had outlined its goals through the mission statement. I've noticed there had been countless efforts of improving long term planning on the education department. Innovative ideas had been exposed throughout the five year plan. Furthermore, allocation of tasks had been an outlined focus. Rules, roles, authority, communication are all relevant are a part of the structural concepts that must be focused the issues that lay ahead. The human resource concepts that are relevant to your aquarium are the needs, feelings, fit, job satisfaction, and training methods. The purpose of this memo is to point out facts that are causing an issue within your aquarium, along with what these facts mean within the realm of the structural and human resource concepts stated above.

The aquarium is seeking to bring in more diversity in its environment; however there is an issue with the foundation of seeking diversity. Although your goal is identified in your mission statement, the fact remains the execution of plans on bringing more diversity had been poor. There had not been any early strong strategic efforts to lay out a blueprint to accomplish this goal. Early on there had been a five year plan that had aimed to attract and involve the broadest possible audience. Such efforts may take longer than five years to accomplish, especially with implementing a goal such as this. The efforts had been focused in the education department. The mixture of full time, part time workers, along with volunteers, within this department the fact remains there had been much role ambiguity. Those that had been getting paid to the same work as those that are doing labor for free did not go unnoticed. Some of the personnel such as the educators had not been prepared to be managing others. Leadership training had been lacking within the aquarium. Early on, the department brought in high school students that had not been familiar with the aquarium, which posed a new challenge of learning on how to manage younger workers, this had been one of the central issues that ties within the structural frame. The lack of an SOP being developed had showed in this department, thus allocating younger workers through proper channels had been lacking as well.

Early on, it had been clear; developing a youth program that had attracted students that actually wanted to devote their time and efforts was going to be difficult. Furthermore, there had not been any formal training developmental efforts for these students, or any strategy on the tasks these kids can excel in.  

During the first efforts of bringing in diversity, Alan Hankin wanted to develop a comprehensive program that reached out to underserved populations. The issue here had been agencies had recruited students without any background or interest in wanting to be at this aquarium. With the fact of most of these students did not have desire to be working, this had put the "educators" in a spot to babysit. This caused much tension between seniority staff members. Team atmosphere had not been laid out in developing any of these training programs for students or educators. The fact that Ellie Calhoun had left abruptly derailed the chances of developing an effective program. Due to this, volunteers, educators, and students had poor training in which caused much confusion among everyone on the allocation of task/duties. The next summer (1993), the aquarium again had not been prepared to take in account for the crop of students that had come to work. The lack of learning from previous years mistakes had seemed to not been noticed by any leadership members. Alan's team had not forecasted the amount of the group size, which left a lot of shared duties among staff members. This falls back into the human resource concept of being the right fit for the job. Students and volunteers again clashed, thus bringing question to who is the right fit for these jobs that require people skills.

Attracting, Selecting, and retaining is also relevant to your aquarium. I see when Glen Williams had stepped into the leadership role of the youth program in the education department; much improvement had taken place from previous years. As he improved the recruitment process, in which attracted youth members that actually wanted to learn and excel their knowledge for aquatic life, this also led to educators not having to have as much tension with the students as they did in prior years. By offering valuable experiences to youth members, he had improved job satisfaction for students. However with more involvement from students other educators seemed to feel less satisfied with the youth initiatives. This had led educators to keep distance from students. The human resource concept of training is a largely the cause of the disconnect between students, volunteers, and educators.

To conclude the recommendations I would give to this aquarium would be to develop a long term, and short term strategy blue print in which lays out structural frames such as proper communication, chain of command, roles being defined, forecasting hours of labor, having better initiatives for volunteers, and embed the idea of team work in training. Your line of business is to deal with people, and the importance of advocating teamwork within your training programs will pay dividend. Your workers would want to be able trust and depend on each other in order for everyone to succeed. Teamwork takes camaraderie and passion among all members of a team in order for them to succeed. The possible negative ramifications for these can be over forecasting hours within the aquarium, lack of resources being available to promote any of the recommendations, rules, and policies may not be followed, as students have much to learn, this may be a challenge to accomplish. To promote diversity into this aquarium, you must have everyone buy into what your mission statement. The biggest issue's within this aquarium lies with having poor situational preparation, and training. The negative ramifications from the HR concepts can be poor trainers, selecting personnel that does not fit the aquariums needs and wants, and possibility have higher salary expenses.

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Business Management: The purpose of this memo is to point out facts that are
Reference No:- TGS02773099

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