
The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to the field of  developmental psychology, and how conceptualizations of stages of development  change with the norms and values of societies.

Read Chapter 1 from the Santrock text, paying particular attention to the  changing conceptualizations of the human lifespan - in particular changes in  conceptualizations of different stages of childhood.

Submit by the posted deadline a one-page MS Word document describing how you  knew when you became an adult.  What were the indicators - any rites of passage  -that demonstrate to others that you are an adult?  Describe how these  indicators may be the same or different from family members of different  generations (parents, grandparents, your children).  How do you think these  factors related to the attainment of adulthood may be different for others based  on their culture or generation.  Cite your references.

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Other Subject: The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to
Reference No:- TGS0761771

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