
the purpose of this assignment is to help you

The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn the Java environment and practice I/O instructions, assignment, and simple arithmetic operators.

Teams: The assignment can be done individually or in teams of two from the same section. Submit one assignment per team.

General Guidelines When Writing Program

- Include the following comments at the top of your source codes // -----------------------------------------------------// Assignment (include number)// Question: (include question/part number, if applicable) // Written by: (include your name(s) and student ID(s)) // ----

-  In a comment, give a general explanation of what your program does. As the programming questions get more complex, the explanations will get lengthier.

-  Include comments in your program describing the main steps in your program.

-  Display a welcome message which includes your name(s).

-  Display clear prompts for users when you are expecting the user to enter data from the keyboard.

-  All output should be displayed with clear messages and in an easy to read format.

-  End your program with a closing message so that the user knows that the program has terminated.

Part 1: MyFirstProgram In this part you are required to write a program (called MyFirstProgram.Java) that displays the following, depending on whether you work on this assignment alone or as a team.If you work on the assignment alone, the program should display the following (the name on the output must be replaced by your name; the date and time should also be updated to reflect the date and time you worked on the assignment.)

        Welcome to My First Java Program!

        This Program was written by: Mark Stevens.

        End of Program!

If you work on the assignment as a team, the program should display the following (the names on the output must be replaced by your names; the date and time should also be updated to reflect the date and time you worked on the assignment.) Welcome to Our First Java Program!This Program was written by: Mark Stevens & Linda Peterson.

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JAVA Programming: the purpose of this assignment is to help you
Reference No:- TGS0206554

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