
The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself


(A) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with various Views and ViewGroups as well as familiarize yourself with MVP and Unit Testing

1. Create a new Project

It's a continuous project..

2.Meet the followingrequirements

You app must fit the description that follows as well as meet the more specific list ofrequirements.The end goal of theapp is keep a list of tasks that can be marked as completed. Yourapp must only use a single Activity. Upon launching your app, the user will be presented with anarea where Todo contents will be displayed (initially empty) and a way to navigate forwards and backwards through the list. Clicking on a Todo will mark it as important and the view shouldindicate that it is important (color change, font weight change, font size change, ...)

Your app must meet the following requirements:

a. Display a list of Tasks 1 at a time.

b. Your tasksshould include a title/name, the contents of the task, whether the taskis completed, whether the Task is important, the creation date, and an optionaldue date.

c. You may choose howto navigate through the list of Tasks (buttons, slider, swipe,...), but there must be a way to go forward and backwards through the list.

d. Navigationmust be BELOW the Task contents in Portrait, and ON THE LEFTwhen in landscape. Use a LinearLayout in portrait and a RelativeLayout inlandscape.

e. Tasks should be able to be marked as important

f. Use Model-View-Present design pattern.

g. Include at least 3 Java Unit Tests (not instrumented) (Mock your view and model/service).

3. Push your code to your Bitbucketrepo..Make sure your commit messages are meaningful

(B) Activities and Intents

Purpose: The purpose of this is to utilize intents to start activities and pass databetween activities

1. Continue existingTodo project

2. Meet the followingrequirements. You app must fit the description that follows as well as meet the more specific list ofrequirements.

The end goal of theapp is keep a list of tasks that can be marked as completed. you will be concerned with only 1 task/todo. You will implement a way to track moretasks/todos in a later assignment. The main activity (the one that is seen on app launch) shouldalready show a

Task and have buttons to go forward and backwards in a list of Tasks. Now, you must add a way to start a new activity that will host the form to create a new task. Uponreturning from the 2nd activity, the main activity should display the contents of the created taskand add it to the list of Tasks. A user should not be able to create a task without a title andcontents. You must also provide a way to edit an existing Task using the same Activity that addsa Task.

Your app must meet the following requirements:

a. Have a way to start a second activity.

b. Your tasksshould include a title/name, the contents of the task, whether the taskis completed, the creation date, and an optional due date.

c. Your app should handle rotation (the displayed task should not change when thescreen is rotated)

d. Your 2nd activity should validate the task before returning to the main activity.

** You MUST include two view/Android unit tests (Instrumented Unit Test) and twoadditional ‘plain' unit tests

3. Push your code to your Bitbucket repo... Make sure your commit messages are meaningful.

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Computer Engineering: The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize yourself
Reference No:- TGS02192413

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