
The purpose of this assignment is to apply the quantitative

Assignment: Questionnaire Design and Analysis of Survey Data- The Logic of Social Inquiry

The purpose of this assignment is to apply the quantitative analysis skills you have learned in class. You must formulate an original research question related to thetopic of Gender and Behaviors/Attitudes Regarding Household Chores, and provide an adequate justification of the relevance of your question. You must then use the survey data gathered from your peers to answer your chosen research question and complete the assignment according to the outline provided below.


1) Submit 2 Original Survey Questions

You will be required to design2 original survey questions on the topic of Gender and Household Chores. Both of your survey questions should ask about the respondent's attitudes and behaviors related to household chores, since the questionnaire will already include a question on gender. Both survey questions must be close-ended, meaning that you must provide fixed responses for your respondents to choose from. You may have no more than 4 fixed responses for each question.

The survey questions should be based on your preliminary research question. Please bear in mind that not all survey questions will be selected for inclusion on the survey questionnaire. Tips for designing survey questions:

• Survey questions should not relate two variables to one another
• Survey questions should not be double-barreled
• Responses should be exhaustive
• Responses should be mutually exclusive

The survey questions should be submitted by 2pm on Sept. 17th at Turnitin.com. First you must set up an account at Turnitin.com. Instructions on setting up an account can be found here: https://turnitin.com/en_us/support/help-center

To submit your questions on Turnitin, you will need our course's class number (10652395) and enrollment password (socb05).In order to receive extra credit, be sure to submit your questions in the folder labeledSurvey Questions for the First Assignment.Please make every effort to submit your assignment as a Word document saved with the following file name: TUT#___ Last Name, First Name. In the "title" field in Turnitin, please enter the same information contained in the file name.

Students who design 2survey questions that meet the above requirements will receive a bonus of 2% on their final mark for the assignment.

2) Take the Survey on Surveymonkey.com

The survey will be up and running by the afternoon of Sept. 21st.At that time, we will circulate an email with instructions and a link to the survey. Your participation is voluntary and you are free not to respond. However, as an incentive to take the survey, you will receive a bonus of 2% on your final mark for the assignment if you complete the survey in full. Your survey responses will remain confidential; when students analyze the data generated from the survey, they will not be able to see individual students' names. The data will not be used for any purposes other than this assignment, and they will be destroyed at the end of the semester. Please respond to the survey by 2pm on Sept. 24th.

3) Formulate a Unique Research Question

You will be required to formulate a research question on the topic specified above. Your question should aim to investigate the relationship between two variables. Generally your variables will each correspond with a specific question on the survey. Note that you are not limited to using the survey questions you created; you are free to draw on any of the questions in the survey.

Suppose our topic was about religion and mental health. An appropriate research question could be:What is the relationship between religious background and depressive symptoms? Here you are examining two variables and asking whether people identifying as belonging to one religion (such as Christianity) have a higher or lower prevalence of depressive symptoms than those identifying as belonging to another religion (such as Hinduism). Each variable in the research question is drawn from a survey question: the variable religious background is drawn from the survey question "What religion do you identify with?" and the variable depressive symptoms is drawn from the survey question "In the past month, have you experienced any of the depressive symptoms listed below?"

4)Justify your Research Question using the Literature

In addition to creating a research question, you must also justify its significance by situating it within the context of other research that has been carried out on the topic. You must address the questions of why your question is important, and why it needs to be answered. To do so, you must identify and discuss at least 2 pieces of relevant academic research (an article from a peer-reviewedjournal or a book published by an academic press) which will help you to situate and lay the groundwork for your research.

5) Learn How to Use PSPP

In your tutorial on Oct.1st you will be given instructions on how to use the PSPPstatistical software. No prior knowledge of the program is required. Your tutorial for that week will be held in the computer lab (classroom TBA).

You may download PSPP here: https://www.gnu.org/software/pspp/get.htmlIf you don't have your own copy of PSPP, you will need to go to a campus computer lab (the PSPP program is available on all workstations) to analyze the survey data. Please plan your time accordingly.

6) Runand Analyze Data Tables

Using the PSPP software,you must runand analyze various data tables that help you answer your research question. It is not uncommon for your research question to change at this point in the assignment. You must make sure that the research question you are interested in can be answered using the questions available in the survey. Please make sure that the variables (survey questions) you have selected have an adequate number of responses in order to make your conclusions meaningful (e.g., if only 10 students responded to the question measuring variable one, this question would not be adequate)

Your analysis must include the following4 components:

a) Univariate analysis (frequency distribution) for your first variable
b) Univariate analysis (frequency distribution) for your second variable
c) A cross-tab analysis examining the relationship between the two variables
d) A chi-square test for the cross-tab analysis

PSPP will generate tables that you can then cut and paste. You should have one tableonlyfor each of your four analyses. The tables must present percentagesand notnumbers. Specifically, each cell in the cross-tab should contain only one percentage. For the cross-tab, you must ensure that your row variable and column variable meaningfully reflect your research question, and that you have percentaged the cross-tab in the one direction that allows you to address your research question. Each of the two variables in your cross-tab should contain 4 or fewer response categories (attributes).

Survey Monkey Codebook- Variable names are in square brackets. Numbers correspond directly to response codes. All missing responses are coded "9".

1. What is your gender? [gender]
0. Male
1. Female

2. In a typical week, how many days do you perform household chores? [d_per_w]
0. Never
1. 1-2 days a week
2. 3-6 days a week
3. Daily

3. How many hours on a typical day do you spend performing housework? [h_per_d]
0. None
1. Less than 1 hour
2. Between 1 and 3 hours
3. More than 3 hours

4. In a typical week, how many different household chores (e.g. doing laundry, doing dishes, grocery shopping, vacuuming, cooking, etc.) do you yourself perform? [week_all]
0. 0
1. 1-2
2. 3-4
3. 5 or more

5. How many times do you yourself shop for household goods in a typical week? [week_shop]
0. 1-2
1. 3-5
2. 5 or more
3. Not sure

6. How many times do you yourself wash dishes in a typical week? [week_dish]
0. 1-3
1. 4-6
2. Daily
3. Never

7. In a typical week, do you yourself take out garbage at least once? [week_garb]
0. Yes
1. No
2. Other

8. In a typical week, how many hours do you spend looking after children living in your household? [week_child]
0. Less than 1
1. Between 1 and 5
2. More than 5
3. N/A (there are not children living in my household)

9. In a typical week, how many hours do you yourself spend cooking? [week_cook]
0. Less than 1
1. Between 1 and 5
2. More than 5
3. N/A (there are no cooking facilities where I live)

10. How do you usually go about completing household chores? [chore_dist]
0. I get all the work done in one go
1. I spread out tasks throughout the day or week
2. N/A (I do not do housework) or other

11. In a typical week, which of the following kinds of unpaid household work do you spend the most time doing: [week_most]
0. Cleaning around the house (dusting, vacuuming/sweeping floors, etc.)
1. Cooking
2. Laundry (washing clothes, folding clothes, ironing, etc.)
3. Other (shopping, taking out garbage, yard work, etc., or none of the above)

12. Please indicate which, if any, of the following unpaid duties you have performed in the last week:
a. Caregiving for household members (taking care of children/ elderly/ sick household members) [care_12a]
0. Yes
1. No
2. Don't know

b. Buying goods and services for the house (grocery shopping, etc.) [buy_12b]
0. Yes
1. No
2. Don't know

c. Cleaning (washing dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.) [clean_12c]
0. Yes
1. No
2. Don't know

d. Home maintenance (repairs, yard work, etc) [maint_12d]
0. Yes
1. No
2. Don't know

13. The amount of unpaid household work your sibling(s) of the opposite sex perform(s) on a weekly basis is _______ the amount of work you perform on a weekly basis: [sibling]
0. Less than
1. Equal to
2. More than
3. N/A (I do not have sibling(s) of the opposite sex residing in my household)

14. Please indicate how much you agree/disagree with this statement: "Your partner spends the same amount of time that you spend on completing unpaid household work per week": [partner]
0. Agree
1. Neither agree nor disagree
2. Disagree
3. N/A (you do not live with a partner)/don't know

15. How often do you tend to feel motivated about getting chores done around the house? [motiv]
0. Often
1. Sometimes
2. Never
3. Don't know

16. When thinking about the chores that need to be done around your household (i.e laundry, cleaning), your initial response is: [init_resp]
0. Positive
1. Indifferent
2. Negative
3. I don't do chores/ it depends/ I don't know

17. How satisfied are you with the division of housework in your household? [div_sat]
0. Not Satisfied
1. Satisfied
2. Very satisfied
3. Unsure/other

18. Please state how much you agree/disagree with this statement:
a. Women should do more housework than men. [women_18a]
0. Agree
1. Somewhat agree
2. Disagree
3. Don't know

b. Women fulfill their femininity through household work. [fem_18b]
0. Agree
1. Somewhat agree
2. Disagree
3. Don't know

c. A man becomes less masculine when he does unpaid household work. [mas_18c]
0. Agree
1. Somewhat agree
2. Disagree
3. Don't know

d. I constantly think about the cleanliness of my household. [clean_18d]
0. Agree
1. Somewhat agree
2. Disagree
3. Don't know

19. In a home shared by an adult woman and man, which person should be responsible for the completion of the majority of the unpaid household duties, in your opinion? [couple_div]
0. The man
1. The woman
2. Both should share the duties equally
3. Unsure

20. In a home shared by people of different ages, who do you believe should be responsible for the completion of the majority of the unpaid household work? [age_div]
0. Everyone in the household should perform it equally
1. The older members of the household
2. The younger members of the household
3. Other/don't know

21. Relative to paid work, how important do you consider unpaid housework? [rel_imp]
0. Not important as paid work
1. Somewhat important relative to paid work
2. Equally as important as paid work
3. More important than paid work

22. In your opinion, how valuable is unpaid household work to society in general? [society]
0. Not valuable
1. Somewhat valuable
2. Valuable
3. Don't know/no opinion

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Other Subject: The purpose of this assignment is to apply the quantitative
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