
The purpose of this assignment is to address the often

Question: The purpose of this assignment is to address the often inconsistent nature of examining ethical dilemmas from both an objective and subjective perspective. What you often think about as right or wrong may change when you are an objective observer, instead of an active participant. To gain the best insight from this course, you need to challenge your own understanding of the sporting environment and your perception about the role played by violence, cheating, and aggression in competitive sporting environments.

For this assignment, create a 200-300-word response discussing the following:

• How is the sporting environment uniquely different from other working environments?

• There is a saying in sport: "If you ain'tcheatin', you ain'ttryin'." How does this impact your personal/professional ethics?

• How do aggressive, violent, and other questionable actions impact your ability to maintain your ethics while providing services in an environment where winning takes precedent?

Answer these questions in a free-flow and creative manner. There is no correct answer. Just examine the issues objectively, consider different perspectives, and articulate your own personal beliefs.

Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. In addition, submit a copy to the M1: Assignment 2 Present your response in Microsoft Word document format and name the file SP6300_M1_A2_LastName_FirsrtInitial.doc.

Through the end of the module, read and review at least two responses submitted by your classmates. Respond to the postings of your classmates, addressing the following:

• Check if your classmates have maintained objectivity when discussing cheating, aggression, and other forms of questionable behavior.

• Discuss consistencies and/or incongruities in each classmate's arguments about the role of aggression, violence, and cheating in sport and competition.

• Do not pass judgment on a classmate's own personal belief, as each person is entitled to their own opinion. However, if you do see incongruities between what is said in one context and another, point out these discrepancies.

• In addition, provide constructive feedback for classmates to continue to challenge themselves and evolve their own beliefs about ethical dilemmas in sport.

Analyze and draw conclusions regarding how personal experiences relate to and impact beliefs about the legitimacy of unethical behaviors in sport and competitive environments. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Dissertation: The purpose of this assignment is to address the often
Reference No:- TGS02677947

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