Title: Assessment task: Literacy planning resource
Assessment task link to unit learning outcomes: This task is designed to:
- Prompt you to identify and critically examine a range of perspectives on literacies, and English and literacy learning in the primary years.
- Provide opportunities for you to review effective and inclusive English and literacy learning experiences for primary school children which reflect the complex nature of English and literacy teaching and learning in an increasingly diverse social and cultural world.
- Develop your ability understand how to plan, implement and assess literacy learning experiences that develop students' reading, writing, visual and oral literacy skills.
- Extend your personal literacies through research and academic writing, drawing on the use of a range of information and communication technologies.
Details of task: The purpose of the task is for you to design a planning resource, based on a picture book that explores the areas of language, literature and literacy. You need provide a carefully designed sequence of learning activities that supports students' understanding of the text and competence as language and literacy learners.
You need to choose a children's picture book from the list provided.
Your planning resource needs to:
- Explore the affordances of the text for students' language and literacy learning.
- Include details of the teaching and learning sequence, that integrates language, literature and literacy to support students to effectively respond to the text.
- Include details of the performance indicators that will demonstrate how students have successfully engaged with the learning tasks, with reference to curriculum documents and frameworks.
Please choose one of the titles below to complete this task
Jackie French & Bruce Whatley
Don't let the pigeon drive the bus
Mo Willems
Stanley Paste
Aaron Blabey
Hairy nose, itchy butt
Elizabeth Frankel & Garry Duncan
Some smug slug
Pamela Duncan Edwards
Room on the broom
Julia Donaldson
Our island
The children of Gununa with Alison Lester and Elizabeth Honey
The Rabbits
John Marsden
Dear Greenpeace
Simon James
The Island
Armin Greder
Word count/equivalent: 2000 words equivalent.