The purpose of the project is to prepare a marketing plan that described and applies market positioning, market segmentation and marketing mix strategies. The business should utilize media as its major focus and be predominately web based.
The marketing plan is to be based on table given below and must include all of the components outlined in the table.
An actual or fictional business may be used to assist in preparing the marketing plan provided the marketing plan follows the format of table.
Plan component
Component summary
Executive summary
One- to two-stage synopsis of the entire marketing plan
Environmental analysis
Information about the company's current situation with respect to the marketing environment
1. Assessment of marketing environment factors
2. Assessment of target market
3. Assessment of current marketing objectives and performance
SWOT analysis
Assessment of the organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
1. Strengths
2. Weaknesses
3. Opportunities
4. Threats
Marketing objectives
Specification of the company's marketing objectives
Qualitative measures of what is to be accomplished
Marketing strategies
Outline of how the company will achieve its objective
1. Target market(s)
2. Marketing mix
Marketing implementation
Outline of how the company will implement its marketing strategies
1. Marketing organization
2. Activities and responsibilities
3. Implementation timetable
Evaluation and control
Explanation of how the company will measures and evaluate the results and evaluate the results of the implement plan
1. Performance standards
2. Financial controls
3. Monitoring procedures (audits)
word: 2000.
Harvard Reference.
Number of Ref: above 9.