
The purpose of an ld plan is to enable the studentmanager

Assignment - Learning and Development Plan

Assignment Details: The purpose of an L&D Plan is to enable the student/manager to progress through a training program in a proper and organised manner. It is the basis for development or enhancement of professional competencies and follows the APIC's Chart of Competencies. It provides a basis for assessing and developing key managerial and leadership competencies. Preparation of the L&D Plan is a major task and cannot be treated lightly as the eventual L&D Plan will be a personalised program of study that a student/manager completes. It will be a base document for both self-management as well as the College and Employer's review of the student/manager's progress through the program. Preparation of the individual L&D Plan should follow a structured approach as per the methodology taught in the PDP Workshop and embedded in the L&D Planner tool. For the eventual L&D Plan to be accepted by the College it needs to conform to the Guidelines & Specification for L&D Plan Preparation. You need to read the Guidelines in conjunction with the information and advice given in the PDP Workshop. (Note: Every formal graduate student is required to develop a personalised L&D Plan on commencement of his/her studies in the College.)

The Table of Contents is below:

1. Self-Introduction: Tell me about yourself - Your goals, your educational background. Where you will be in 5 years and why? What makes you and your personality, capabilities suitable to your desired role? Do you have any experiences in the role? (250 words)

2. Mega Trends and Challenges: What is happening in your industry or position? What are the drivers of these positions, what are the challenges for the industries you would like to enter? You will need to do some research here. I want five (5) references and 5 citations. In order to complete this, you will need to consider the Macro-elements (PESTDN).

3. Goals: Your professional goals: list 5 goals. All the goals must follow the SMART approach. Consider short, middle and long term goals. These are where you want to be in your final position (the one you retire on).

4. Ethics and Professional Values: Your ethics - professional values. How were they formed? (100 words) In your answer, you need to define what ethics is? How yours were formed. You will need to do some research on what ethics is and what yours believes are? (250 words) and three (3) references.

5. Competency Assessment: In the your own skills by numbering your skills from I (low) to 7 (high). A level of 1 indicates you a. have little confidence in these skills, while a score of 7 implies a high level of confidence using this skill. (This should be easy as you have done this already).

Discuss your results and explain why they are your top 5 results (200 words). Use the references and examples to explain your results. How do these skills relate to your desired job? Do your present skills match the skills needed for your position? How are you going to acquire these? Explain.

5.1 Improvements: Consider your skills that you consider you should improve (these are indicated as low values in your skill set). What are your deficiencies? How can you improve them? Provide a solution for them. Your solution should be 50 words each solution. There should be 2- 3 deficiencies and explanations.

6. Strength and Weakness Analysis: So far, you have considered your skills, the mega environment, now describe what you are good at? What would a potential employer want to hear from you in a job interview situation?

7. Reference

8. Appendices.

Word Count: 2500 Words.

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Management Theories: The purpose of an ld plan is to enable the studentmanager
Reference No:- TGS02731952

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