
The provision to have individuals purchase some type of

The ACA has coverage provisions have extended health insurance coverage to millions of Americans. The provision to have individuals purchase some type of healthcare insurance is a somewhat positive and negative.

It leaves the individual with the opportunity to have healthcare coverage but to what extent? The coverage is at a minimum leaving the individual with a bill always.

While the effects of the Medicaid expansion and marketplace establishments on coverage have been well studied and the resulting effects of coverage on access to healthcare remains unclear.

Gaining insurance coverage through the expansion decreed the probability of not receiving medical treatment by 20.9% and 25%. The challenges that we face at this very moment is employment.

How could one pay for health insurance with no means of employment and no financial assistance?

At this point I see this as a critical situation because it has yet to be addressed. The financial aspect has been left out for many years.

The only way I see to fix the situation is to provide some form of financial assistance from tax payers , but then again this would be for everyone.

Showalter, J.S. (June 28, 2014) The Law of Healthcare Administration Seventh Edition

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Operation Management: The provision to have individuals purchase some type of
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