
The protestant reformation greatly affected many peoples

I need help with replying to these 2 classmates. Replies must identify at least 1 strength and 1 weakness in their reasoning

Reply to AMANDA

The Protestant Reformation greatly affected many peoples lives, not only when it came to religion but in multiple aspects of peoples lives. "When the people saw that they could read the Bible as individuals, they were free to interpret as they chose; so why were they not also able to choose their own leaders and government as well?" (Rawls, 2016, p. 425). When they were exposed to the possibility of freely reading and interpreting the Scriptures on their own, they considered what it would be like to have this freedom in more than one area of their lives. Today in America, thankfully, we have the freedom to choose our religion and the way in which we go about it. Although it is important that we are learning sound doctrine, we are able to study our Bible's however we deem fit. We are well aware that we should be able to worship our God, so why would we allow the government to control that aspect of our lives? The mass migration of these people to America has greatly influenced the generations to follow in their footsteps. "The Protestant Reformation began as a focus on people's acts within the Church, but quickly spread to their relationship with the government" (Rawls, 2016 p. 429). America today would be dramatically different if the American people could not freely choose their religion and have rights. "The Protestant Reformation generated a spark of freedom within the masses across Europe, and within the next generation this small flicker would ignite into a flame of freedom that could not be extinguished" (Rawls, 2016, p. 430). This occurance in history caused a lot of problems but it also changed the world for the better.

Reply to Aaron

America was founded on the principle of religious freedom, the idea that man should be able to worship God in whatever way they should so choose. This ideology began to develop throughout Europe the more people studied the Bible for themselves. People got tired of things as simple as changes in leadership changing the way they worshiped and sometimes even some of the churches theology. With this movement came several changes that really affected they way people viewed the world.

As people began studying the scriptures and learning for themselves God's Word they had a desire to worship God the way that they saw fit. The question at this point would become, are you really free if your told what to believe about scripture and how to worship God. As people moved to America this idea was implemented in many areas of life. The realization came that people had a God given right to live and worship how they wanted. Although laws are a must the people decided that they had a right to true freedom, that is freedom of religion, speech, etc.

With this new ideology came, of course, a new idea of government. Americans wanted a government that was ran by the people and in full support of the people. So, after laying down some foundational laws and beliefs, a government that had power vastly distributed was formed. America views government differently than nations did before, and how some still do. America believes that a central government has no place controlling peoples lives or telling them what to do and how to do it. America was founded on a belief that people are born with God given rights and, in a way that no other nation had before, founded itself on the principle that a governments job was to protect those rights rather than own them.

Can you help me with the Discussion Board replies? Each reply need to be 125-150 words and include one strength and one weakness about the post.

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