
The project will contain a clearly stated research question

The student is required to present a 15-page research project, not including the reference pages and the appendices. The project will be written following a journal article format (like a publishable material), and will report the results of a survey research, secondary data analysis, or a well designed experimental method consistent with the knowledge gained in this course or based on other related knowledge.

The project will contain a clearly stated research question (what the researcher wants to investigate), the importance and relevance of the topic, a complete literature review, a methods section explaining the population under investigation, the sampling method and procedure, the instrument used (as much as possible provide the psychometric properties of the instrument), evidence of compliance with the regulation on the protection of human subjects; the data analysis procedure, the results section; the discussion, implications, limitations and recommendations.

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is required for writing all papers in the Department of Administration of Justice. An excerpt of this document could be handed out to all the students, however, the student should obtain a copy of the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association, (6th edition).

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Dissertation: The project will contain a clearly stated research question
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