
The project provides an opportunity to demonstrate

The project provides an opportunity to demonstrate knowledge and skills in conducting a  work analysis.

To complete the final project, you must have access to an organization and selected individuals in it.  You should have permission of the organization (HR manager, manager, etc.) in which to perform the analysis.

Components of the final project:

I. Job Level

1. Provide the official job description from your selected organization.

2. Provide a revised job description.

3. Identify and confirm the prerequisite areas of knowledge, skills, process knowledge, physical abilities, education, or experience required to perform the job.

4. Identify and confirm the tools, equipment, or any other resources required as part of the job. 

5. Analyze one of the above resources using parts-purposes analysis technique.

II.  Job Duty Level

A. Analyze the job into its major job duties.  The job must have at least five job duties.

B. Identify the tasks within one job duty.  There must be at least five tasks in the duty.

III. Task Level

A. Conduct a task analysis of the five tasks above.

B. The task analysis should include the following (your choice):

1. Procedure analysis

2. Troubleshooting analysis

3. Decision analysis

4. Parts and purposes analysis

5. Inspection analysis

6. Job safety analysis

7. Revision/Adjustment analysis

IV. Training Objectives

A. Identify two tasks from above that would be included in a training program

B. Specify the training objectives for two tasks above.

V. Performance Support System

A. Identify a task that might be adapted to a performance support system

B. Prepare a rationale for why this task was selected

C. Design variables for preparing a performance support system

D. To the best of your ability, prepare the performance support system

VI. Data Gathering

A. Identify the process used to conduct the work analysis.

B. Identify and describe the sources of information used for the analysis

C. Identify and describe the data-gathering methods used for the analysis

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Dissertation: The project provides an opportunity to demonstrate
Reference No:- TGS01250763

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