
The project is intended to encourage you to explore an

Research Paper Instructions


The project is intended to encourage you to explore an aspect of one of the topics or issues raised during the semester.

Since there are a wide variety of questions/ topics you can address,it is important that the focus of your analysis be on the role of or impact on the executive branch .

Below are some suggestions and are intended to guide you in selecting a topic.

The list is by no means exhaustive. Almost anything we have discussed this semester can be studied further and used as a research project If you have any concerns, we can discuss.


? 7¬10 pages long, double spaced

? Any style format you prefer: APA, Chicago, MLA

? Include footnotes and references

? You are expected to do research which means going beyond what has been covered in class

? If unsure about writing a research paper, consult Purdue University's Online Writing Lab

Suggested topics:

1. Unilateral executive actions (How far can the executive branch go?)

a. Use of waivers

b. Reorganization

c. Delays in implementing laws

d. Spending appropriated funds

2. Federal Supremacy

a. Federal Controlled Substance Act and state las decriminalization of marijuana

b. Federal vs. State Regulations

c. Federal lands

3. Changes in specific grant programs (Highway financing, elementary & secondary education)

a. Review a major change that has occurred to selected program

b. Identify the role the President and Congress played in the change

c. Analyze the impact the change has had on the department or agency as to how it implements the program

4. Statutory (Congressional) actions that affect/restrict executive action

a. Explicit limitation in statues

b. Variations in program design

i. Categorical vs. block grants

ii. Entitlement vs. competitive grants

5. Congressional reaction to Executive Action

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Dissertation: The project is intended to encourage you to explore an
Reference No:- TGS02438359

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