Part 1
The project is "Design of public swimming pool"
1.1 How did you collect or generate the data?
From Experts Interview ...........................................................
From Ministry of municipalities ...............................
1.2 How did you analyze the data?
By the calculate the loads.......................................... geotechnical design...............
Structural design..................................................
Alsoby using Computer Softwareto calculate the loads........................

1-Provided that the percentage of the copies in the (Turnitin program) Must be 0%. (by Quality Checker)
2-I do not want any images or tables "Only paragraphs"
Part 2
Methodology section is one part of a project/research paper. This part is the core of your paper as it is a proof that you have used a scientific method. Through this section, your study's validity is judged. So, it is very important.
Your methodology answers two main questions:
i. How did you collect or generate the data?
ii. How did you analyze the data?
While writing this section, be direct and precise. Write it in the past tense. Include enough information so that others could repeat your methodology (e.g. experiment) and evaluate whether the results are reproducible. The audience can judge whether the results and conclusions are valid. The explanation of the collection and the analysis of your data is very important because;
i. readers need to know the reasons why you chose a particular method or procedure instead of others.
ii. readers need to know that the collection or the generation of the data is valid in the field of study
Therefore, in general, project/research methodology part may have the following sections:
3.1 Data Collection
3.2 Data anal