
The project interim report should be delivered at the end

Designing an enhanced LAN network to a virtual hospital (Majan hospital) consisting of three floors

The project interim report should be delivered at the end of the TP1. This should not normally exceed 3,500 words (about 25 pages excluding the appendix of 1½ spaced 12-point Times New Roman text). Quality is obviously more important than quantity.

The interim report should contain the following sections:


1. Front Page
2. Abstract
3. Table of Contents
4. Problem Definition
5. Literature Review
6. Analysis
7. Project Plan

5. Problem Definition: Introduction to the project, Clear statement of the problem, what, why and how the project will be tackled, Aim, Objectives

6. Literature Review: Background, review of background reading, which draws on appropriate sources, approach to be taken in attempting to solve the problem and choices should be justified by reference to the background reading, cited references.

7. Analysis: Fact finding methods for the project, appropriateness of the methods used and effectiveness of the content in these methods for the project, analysis and sampling.

8. Abstract: This should be not more than 200 words and should consist of the core information to inform the reader of the content of the report, what the project was about, the main aim of the project, how the work was undertaken and the major conclusions drawn from the work performed. It should be brief, not more than half a page, but sufficient to indicate the area and the depth of study.

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Computer Networking: The project interim report should be delivered at the end
Reference No:- TGS02577732

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