
The project had to go before the board for approval

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A successful approach of an experience using financial and budget control strategies is when bureaucracy is used to keep work efficient. There is a clear line of sight on how the work is divided and who is responsible for what parts. By having taking this approach, the work is easy and efficient to perform. I've seen it work where a budget was used to work on an implementation keeping track of spending and what resources were needed in order to move forward with the project. There was a project tracker created and weekly touchbase meetings in order to provide the group with updates as to what was needed to ensure everyone stayed on track with the project. On the flip side, bureaucracy can become a disaster when work gets delayed and it becomes difficult for deadlines to be met. An example of this would be when a particular assignment is given and you have different parties involved, one employee or department may have completed their task but in order to move forward they need sign off from management and management is not available to complete due to more pressing obligations at the current time causing potential delay in meeting the deadline. Using the same scenario of the implementation of a new project, time was spent and research on picking a particular vendor, RFPs were done and everyone was ready to move forward with the project, but the project had to be placed on hold due to the fact that leadership had not signed the contract yet. The project had to go before the board for approval meanwhile both the vendor and company workers were ready to get the ball rolling and move forward with the implementation. 

Bureaucracy can be defined as a way in which work is organized and how people are treated whether it be interchangeable or replaceable to fill certain roles (Bateman, Snell & Konopaske, 2017). Bureaucracy often has two key features which consist of hierarchy and a specialized division of labor. In the above two examples, one was successful due the touchbases and weekly meetings held by the company to get constant updates of where the project stood and all parties involved were on the same page. The other one was not so successful due to the face that it caused a delay it moving forward with project because management had not provided sign off on the contract.

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Dissertation: The project had to go before the board for approval
Reference No:- TGS02680802

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