
The program will print a grade report for students in a


The program will print a grade report for students in a course.

Input: An instructor has a class of no more than 40 students each of whom takes 6 tests. For each student in the class, there is one line in the input file. The line contains the student's first name (no more than 10 characters), last name (no more than 12 characters), ID# (a string of 6 characters) and 6 integer test scores. Input text file should be named student_input.dat

Example of file input:

Adam Zeller 452313 78 86 91 64 90 76

Barbara Young 274253 88 77 91 66 82 93

Carl Wilson 112235 87 99 76 93 95 94

Note that a different file will be used for testing. Also note that amount of blank spaces between names, ID, and grades can be arbitrary, i.e., any number. There will be at least one space though. There might be a space between the last grade and the invisible symbol that signifies the end of the line '/n'. Total amount of characters for each line will not exceed 256, including the end of the line symbol.

Processing: The program is to read the input file and calculate each student's average and letter grade for the course. The average is calculated by dropping the student's lowest test score and then averaging the remaining 5 scores. In addition, the number of students receiving each letter grade (A, B, C, D, or F ) for the course is to be calculated. The cutoff for the letter grades is 89.5 for an A, 79.5 for a B, 69.5 for a C, 59.5 for a D.

Output: The program is to print to an output file (student_results.dat) a table showing each student's name (Last, First), identification number, course average (rounded to 1 decimal place), and letter grade. Following the last student, a summary of the number of students receiving each letter grade is to be printed. All output should be clearly labeled and easy to read. The output file should have a meaningful heading at the top of the file.


The program must be modular, with significant work done by functions. Each function should perform a single, well-defined task. When possible, create re-usable functions. Do not write trivial functions such as a function to read a single value from an input file.

You must name your C++ source file prog02_xxxxxx.cpp where xxxxxx is your TXstate id number.

The input file must be named student_input.dat

The spacing in the input file can be arbitrary, i.e.,

The output file must be named student_results.dat

You must have at least three functions: for example these functions might be 1) function that "drops" the lowest grade (i.e., would allow subsequent function to exclude the lowest grade from the subsequent computation of the average), 2) function that calculates the average, and 3) function that converts the average to the letter grade. You can select to create other functions to meet the limit of three.

Use character arrays and c-strings (#include ) for converting text to integers. You cannot use string objects and any methods that are included in library, i.e, you cannot use #include in your code. Otherwise you are going to be penalized.

You cannot use stream operator ">>" to read information from the file! Please use as getline() and c-string functions we discussed in class to read the data from the file. You can use stream operator to put information back into the file.

You program must detect and correct following problems in the input file

  • Negative grade present - display an error and terminate the program
  • Less than 6 grades exist (minimum of 5 will be provided) - display a warning in the console, but continue the execution of the program. Calculate the average and the letter grade based on the existing grades, but in this case do not discard the lowest grade.

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Programming Languages: The program will print a grade report for students in a
Reference No:- TGS02190575

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