Exercise: Procurement Audit Exercise
Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes
In this assignment, you will explain Project Integration Management and Procurement Auditing.
Assignment Requirements
Analyze the following scenario:
The Procurement Company needs to purchase goods and services in order to function properly. Therefore, the internal controls in place for the procurement system need to be robust.
Typical Risks to a Procurement System
Listed below are common risks identified at the outset of a procurement audit:
- Goods ordered are not required by the organization.
- Goods ordered do not comply with corporate policy.
- Goods ordered do not provide value for money.
- Goods are not received by the organization.
- Lack of a central purchasing policy may not provide the opportunity to negotiate discounts and best prices.
Common Issues
In reality, the main risks identified above may not materialize. Detailed below are issues that usually arise in an organization as a result of a procurement audit:
- New employees do not have access to purchasing procedures.
- No formal vetting of contractors.
- Lack of a coordinated approach to purchasing.
- Use of out-of-date or incorrect order forms.
- Authorization of orders by individuals who do not have the authority to do so.
- Use of alternative suppliers as opposed to the preferred suppliers' catalogue.
- Non-compliance with Financial Regulations, for example the number of quotes obtained.
Assume that you are an internal auditor. What are the recommendations you would make?