
the procedure for setting a

The  procedure  for setting  a predetermined  time  standard is as follows:

1. Observe the job or think  it through  if it not yet  being  performed. It is best to  observe under typical  conditions: typical  machine  materials  and worker.

2. Itemize the job elements. Do  not be  concerned about  timing  them just  thoroughly document  all  the motions performed by the worker.

3. Form  a table  of predetermined time standards  record the standards  for each  motion units. Motion  units  are expressed in some  basic  (  a Therblig scale  is often used ) that  corresponds to time  units.

4. Find the  sum of the standards  for all  motions .

5. Estimate an  allowance for personal time, delays and fatigue and add to the sum  of standards .

This  total  sum is  the predetermined  time  standard for  the job.

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Management Theories: the procedure for setting a
Reference No:- TGS0205453

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