
The problem is related to sociology and it is explains the


Do observational research to find out about gender roles in a family other than your own. Write up a social science report based on observations.

a. State your research purpose in the form of a research question that will guide your observations.

b. State a hypothesis that suggests the kind of results you expect to find. For example, the hypothesis might indicate what kinds of roles and activities males and females generally take in the family you are studying.

c. Decide who your subjects will be, that is, which family or families you will observe.

d. determine the aspects of family life you will observe (for example, who takes responsibility for various tasks around the house, what tasks and roles children of either sex take around the house and who has responsibility of earning a living, looking after the house, caring for children and so on).

e. Decide how will you conduct your observation? What kinds of information will you gather through observation and what kinds will you gather through discussion with your subjects? Will you use an observation schedule - that is, a list of activities that either a male or female could perform - which you can check against, as you learn which activity is done by which person?

f. Make necessary preparations, depending on the technique chosen.

g. Observe your subjects for the time needed to gather the data.

h. Write up your observations as accurately and fully as possible.

i. write a research report based on these observations. The report should include the following:

1. A one paragraph introduction to the topic, the research question and the hypothesis.

2. A one paragraph review of the literature.

3. A one paragraph description of the research methodology.

4. A summary of observations made

5. An analysis of observations, organizing them in a logical way.

6. General conclusion drawn in response to the research question

Additional Information-

The problem is related to Sociology and it is explains about gender roles and observation on gender roles and literature review for the same needs to be given.

Word Limits- 500

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