
The primary operating expenses such as employee wages

Cedar fair (limited partnership), owns and operates four seasonal amusement parks, cedar point in hi, valleyfair nearminneapolis/st. paul, dorney park and wildwater kindom nearallentown pennsylvania and worlds of fun/oceansof fun in kansascity. following are summarized transactions similar to those that accurred in recent year (assume 2008)

a. guests at the parks paid $89664999 cash in admissions

b. the primary operating expenses (such as employee wages,utilities , and repairs and maintenance) for the year were$66347000 with $60200000 paid in cash and the rest on account

c. interest paid on long term debt was $6601000

d. the parks sell food and merchandise and operate games. thecash recieved during the year for these combined activities was$77934000. the cost of merchandise sold during the years was$19525000

e. cedar fair purchased and built additional buildings, ridesand equipments during the year paying $23813000 in cash

f. the most significant assets for the company are land,buildings, rides and equipment therefore, a large expense for cedarfair is depreciation expense, related to using these assets togenerate revenues during the year. for the year, the amount was$14473000 credit accumulated depreciation

g. guest may stay in the parks at accomdations owned by thecompany. during the year accomomodations revenue was $11345000;$11010000 was paid by the guests in cash and the rest was owed onaccount

h. cedar fair paid 2900000 principal on notes payable

i. the company purchased 19100000 in food and merchandiseinventory fr the year, paying 18000000 in cash and owing the reston account

j. the selling, general, and administrative expenses such aspresidents salary and advertising for the parks, classified asoperating expenses, for the year were 21118000; 19500000 was paidin cash, and the rest was owed on account

k. cedar fair paid 8600000 on accounts payable duringyear


1. for each of these transactions, record journal entries usethe letter of each transaction as its reference. note thattransaction. d will require two entries, one for revenuerecognition and one for related expense

2. use the following chart to identift whether each tranactionresults in a cash flow effect from operating O, investing I,financing F activities, indicate the directin and amount of theeffec on cash +/- if there is no cash flow write notes
tranaction ------------------------operating/invest/finance---------------------- direction andamount

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Accounting Basics: The primary operating expenses such as employee wages
Reference No:- TGS0596459

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