1. The primary functions of leadership are
a. Directing, ruling, encouraging
b. Aligning, visioning, inspiring
c. Building, maintaining, staffing
d. Budgeting, controlling, problem solving
2. The process definition of leadership implies
a. Leadership is linear
b. Leadership is one-way, top-down
c. Leadership is leader centered
d. Leadership is reciprocal between leaders and followers
3. Social identity theory would suggest individuals emerges as leaders when
a. The group identifies with the individual
b. Individuals acquire the skills to do the job well
c. The group assigns them the role of leader
d. Individuals become most like the group prototype
4. People in the organization like me because I know what I am doing and share knowledge with followers. I have
a. Position power
b. Personal power
c. Information power
d. Legitimate power
e. Reward power
5. Which way of classifying leadership involves capabilities to make leadership possible?
a. Group process
b. Personality
c. Skills
d. Power