
The primary diagnosis of your hypothetical patient

Discuss the below:

The Patient’s Experience of Healthcare Delivery

In an ideal health care delivery system, all patients would have access to affordable, high-quality health services that are well coordinated to ensure the continuity and comprehensiveness of care. In reality, patients may have vastly different experiences based on their health problem or injury, the organizations that provide services close to where they live, and how the health services they need are financed.

Consider, for example, a 56-year-old man who has a hemorrhagic stroke in a rural area of Alaska. What services will he need through the duration of his recovery experience? Where will he receive care? How will he pay for the services he needs? Now think about how his situation might compare to a 56-year-old man who had a stroke and lived in Houston, Texas. How might the two patients’ experiences compare in terms of care coordination and the continuity and comprehensiveness of services they receive?

This Discussion, which relates to your PowerPoint Assignment for this week, provides a forum for you and your colleagues to evaluate experiences patients may have with health care delivery.

Describe one of the organizations/agencies you featured in your PowerPoint Assignment and discuss care coordination. As indicated in the Assignment instructions, if you are an international student, you may choose a geographic area in the United States or use your own location as the patient’s location. In addition, develop a brief description of your hypothetical patien that includes the patient’s primary diagnosis and location.

1. Describe oneorganization/agency that would be involved in care delivery for your hypothetical patient. Provide specific details related to:

The geographic location in which it is located

The primary diagnosis of your hypothetical patient

Types of patients typically treated at this facility



Payment sources the organization accepts

Performance improvement efforts

2. Briefly identify other organizations/agencies with which your selected organization is likely to coordinate in order to provide optimal care.

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Other Subject: The primary diagnosis of your hypothetical patient
Reference No:- TGS01767076

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